Thursday 8 August 2024

Watton Brook Valley 7 August 2024

 From August through until late September/early October I spend a lot of time searching for migrant acrocephalus Warblers along Watton Brook in Little and Great Cressingham.  The lush vegetation in the valley which includes the dominant Rosebay Willowherb and Burr reed always gets close attention as I slowly walk along looking for a sudden movement of a blade of reed or of a bird out of the corner of my eye flying low between cover.

A migrant Sedge Warbler in the Watton Brook Valley

The morning of 7 August was spent doing just that, searching for migrants.  As I approached a patch of Rosebay Willowherb I heard a single, short, sharp "chet" call, this familiar call took my immediate attention and a short while later a single migrant Sedge Warbler was seen flying low and fast between the cover of Rosebay Willowherb, Burr reed, and other lush vegetation.  The "chet" alarm was heard a few times coming from within Rosebay Willowherb.  Although not seen too well, the very presence of this migrant is a good local record.

A very elusive Whitethroat was also seen all to briefly flying in and out of dense cover along Watton Brook.  Finally, on this visit I was rewarded by a family gathering of 5+ Stonechats on roadside fencing, a delightful way to finish  this visit.

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