Sunday 11 August 2024

Notes from the garden 11 August 2024

 Today I decided to make visits throughout the day to my garden to check on common species present and to check for evidence of passage.  About eleven years ago, when we arrived at this property, the garden was bordered by Leylandii, these had to go.  In their place I planted a 40 foot native hedgerow purposely created for the benefit of wildlife.  The hedge comprises Hawthorn, Blackthorn, Dog Rose, Dogwood, Ash, Goat Willow, Birch, and Alder.  Checking the hedge today I could see masses of Hawes ripening, hips of the Dog Rose growing, and the fruit of the Dogwood (Dogberry) is heavy in clusters of fruit.  I have found that Starlings especially love dogberries, they strip these in no time, but I expect the odd Warbler passing through has a few.

Ripening Hawes in the garden 11 August.  Winter Thrushes will enjoy these.

  Wood Pigeons bred in the garden this year, their simple platform of sticks was located in the Goat Willow.  For much of the day the juvenile Wood Pigeon remained in the garden with a parent nearby. Wood Pigeons are attractive birds, however, I often think the young squab in the nest takes the prize for one of the ugliest chicks.  Even the juvenile bird has some way to go appear as attractive as its parents. Young Wood Pigeons appear quite dull and lack the white neck ring of the adult bird

An attractive Wood Pigeon in the garden 11 August 2024

Juvenile Wood Pigeon in the garden 11 August 2024

House Sparrows are generally present in good numbers throughout the year, sadly, their abundance sees these beautiful birds being overlooked by rarity chasers.  I often have 50+ House Sparrows coming to feed.

A very attractive male House Sparrow in the garden.

 As far as my garden records are concerned, I like to include species I see from my garden as well as those which actually visit.
This morning 5 Linnets overflew the garden in an easterly heading, also Greenfinch, Goldfinch, and a couple of Buzzards seen too.
As the day was getting very warm I heard at least 2 Cranes somewhere to the north-east, however, these magnificent birds were out of sight. 

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