Breckland Birder

Breckland Birder
Red Deer in Breckland, Norfolk Photo by Paul Newport

Monday 11 January 2016

A sad day indeed

If like me you grew up in the 60's and 70's then I am sure you feel very saddened today to hear of the passing of the legend, David Bowie.  I remember where I was when Elvis died, and I remember waking up to the news on 8th December 1980 to the news of John Lennons death.  Both were extremely talented artists, however, there is something more personal about the death of David Bowie which I can't put my finger on...perhaps it is that like many of us in our 50's, we followed the great man over the decades, always amazed by his re-inventions and his ability to change with the times R.I.P.

Not too much to report today due to work, however, a couple of Red Kites over the Kimberley estate near Wymondham was nice to see.
Late afternoon and into dusk I walked the Threxton to 'The Arms' road and met a friend of mine, Graham, with whom I discussed various issues including David Bowie.  It was whilst chatting to Graham that a Goshawk (probably a male) crossed a field at low level in a glide and being pursued by a couple of Crows. The Goshawk very briefly alighted in a tree overhanging the road before moving off again towards 'The Arms' area.  All Crow species show the greatest respect for Goshawk as they often fall prey to this mighty hawk.

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