Monday 8 July 2024

Mattishall (Windmill Lane) 1845-1930) Following the storm.

When I am at work between calls and if time allows, I like to park up at a new location and obtain counts of bird species for BTO's bird track project.  For this early evening count I stopped on Windmill Lane, Mattishall.  Just 30 minutes prior to my visit a very heavy thunderstorm passed through which you can see on the horizon in this picture.

 Arriving on Windmill Lane for this short visit I was first of all greeted by 3 Carrion Crows in the crown of an old Oak, also, a single Yellowhammer sang from the same area.  A single Green Woodpecker was heard calling further along the Lane.
Other common species seen here included 3 Blackbirds (including a juvenile), Robin, Magpie, and a pair of Goldfinches.  Male Blackcap and male Whitethroat briefly heard in song.
A pair of Stock Doves overflew a field, a beautiful, well proportioned Dove readily identified in flight by their blue-grey upperparts, pale grey rump and black borders to the wings.  If seen on the ground look for their iridescent green patch on the neck sides.  The breast is pinkish.  The Stock Dove can be separated from the Wood Pigeon by its smaller size, also, the Stock Dove has no white in its plumage, as does Wood Pigeons.  

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