Calm, settled overcast and grey conditions (some may call depressing)
often accompanies the month of November and the thoughts of a Great
Grey Shrike sitting like a sentinel on a bush top in the vast
openness of a bleak Breckland landscape, is always at the forefront
of my mind when watching suitable landscapes for this solitary
The 1st day of the month I was working in the evening and
being in isolated surroundings in almost complete darkness my focus
was on listening for Tawny Owls, I was in luck with birds
present at two locations in the small village of Carleton Rode. The
first was a calling ♀ on Rode Lane in the village, the second bird
was one seen flying in a small wooded area on the Old Buckenham Road.
A target habitat for me in autumn and winter are those large game
strips and plots of wild seed mixes, so early morning on the 2nd
I visited one such large habitat at Little Cressingham traditionally
used annually for the purpose of providing game cover, these habitats
also benefit our Finches and Buntings.
Having positioned my self where I had good views of the game
strip/seed mix plot, it was apparent that Finches were present in
good numbers alongside the roadside by the game strip. Highlights
seen included 100+ Linnets 100+ Chaffinches, a few
Greenfinches, and also my target species for the morning, a
beautiful ♂ Brambling with Chaffinches. Bramblings are
winter visitors from Scandinavia in varying numbers. Although just
the single Brambling seen this morning I am confident numbers will
increase. Numbers are variable year to year, in particularly good
years I have seen three-figure numbers of Bramblings. Although now
in their winter plumages ♂ Bramblings are still distinguishable
from ♀♀ from their brighter orange breast and scapulars and dark
heads. Bramblings will remain with us until late March by which time
♂♂ begin developing their breeding plumages, their solid black
heads and bright oranges make this a very attractive Finch species.
%20from%20garden%209th%20April.jpg) |
Sparrowhawk - Often seen where good numbers of Finches occur (from archives) |
Inevitably, with high numbers of Finches present, Sparrowhawk is
always at the forefront of my mind and as expected a mass ‘putting
up’ of Finches announced the arrival of a ♀ Sparrowhawk in
a small tree close to me, but rapidly departed as soon as it arrived.
Also seen on this productive morning was a single Goshawk
drifting in a slow glide towards woodland, this raptor would not be
interested in Finches, its quarry would be larger species like
Pigeons, Crows, Pheasant, and duck species.
On the 3rd I visited the vast expanses of arable habitats
and dense field boundary hedgerows in the Great Cressingham area.
Highlights once again saw good numbers of Finch species (100+
Linnets) and Chaffinches. In excess of 30 Blackbirds
were seen with some feeding upon Hawthorn berries, also a small flock
of 17+ Fieldfares dropped into a dense hedgerow where a
Bullfinch was seen. Also in the hedgerow was a small flock of
12+ Tree Sparrows, a very scarce species now. Overhead a
small flock of 13 Golden Plovers circled.
The main highlight of the morning was seeing 3 Ravens passing
overhead calling. I initially heard Ravens calling to the west of my
position, not too long after 2 Ravens flew east calling, these were
shortly followed by a single Raven following.
A short work break on the 5th was spent overlooking
Seamere Marsh at Hingham. Thrush species were the highlight with 8+
Blackbirds in a broken hedgerow and in a young Ash tree a small
flock of 12+ Fieldfares were seen along with a single Song
Thrush which was a probable migrant.
A flock of 8+ Stock Doves arrived and a large number of Wood
Pigeons (1000+) were ‘put up’ by a possible passing raptor.
Early morning of the 7th I visited a beautiful Alder and
Willow Carr in the River Wissey valley at Bodney. The old Alders
within the Carr held good numbers of feeding Finches, most notably, a
large flock of 150+ Goldfinches which wandered the canopy and
settling to feed upon cones. A few Siskins were also present.
At least 70 Skylarks were wandering the fields and a similar
number of Fieldfares (of which 50+ NW) were noted. A small
southerly movement of 14 Lapwings passed over.
On a nearby wet meadow, a single Great White Egret looked very
Great White Egret at Bodney. Increasing in numbers |
The morning of the 11th was particularly notable for
movements of birds. I paid an early morning visit to Little
Cressingham to check for Finches and Buntings at a large game strip,
this was productive with good numbers of Chaffinches and
Linnets present, also a single ♀ Brambling was seen.
Two Song Thrushes in treetops were probably migrants.
Whilst watching the Finches and Thrushes I could hear to the distant
SW approaching Geese, within a few minutes a skein of 126+
Pink-footed Geese came into view, they passed directly
overhead and off in a NE heading in a long and strung out V
formation. Later, as I was preparing to leave, a flock of 100+
Lapwings passed directly overhead in a NE heading, these birds
approached and departed along the same path as the earlier seen
Pink-footed Geese.
A short afternoon visit to Watton churchyard on the 14th
was intended to check for winter Thrushes in the Yew trees, of which
there are some fine examples. 32+ Redwings and a few
Blackbirds were seen, a good visit.
Redwing - A common winter visitor often seen in Yew trees in churchyard settings |
The 14th was a bright but cold morning with excellent
light. I visited Little Cressingham to once again check on Finch
numbers at a traditional game strip habitat. Chaffinches and
Linnets were the most numerous species, also one Brambling
A large Goshawk was seen flying quite leisurely along woodland
edge then chased a Pigeon into woodland. A few minutes later I saw
large numbers of Pheasants in a panic flying fast and low over the
land, the Goshawk reappeared and was seen to give a half-hearted
attempt at chasing another Pigeon. On the last occasion the light
was particularly good, this showed off the Goshawks all grey
upperparts, which showed this as an adult ♀
Thompson Water on the 21st was to prove very productive as
the day was to provide me with my highest ever count of Mallard on
the water. Several species of ducks were on the water including a
couple of sawbills.
I arrived at Thompson Water at 0640, some 50 minutes prior to sunrise
and the first birds heard was ♂
and ♀
in the dawn woodland.
It was clear a high number of
ducks were on the water, however, those seen were silhouetted against
light of the dawn sky, so in order to wait for light to improve my
attention was given to the very noisy chatter of Starlings in their
roost habitat of reedbed and Willow Carr. The incessant chatter went
on for some time, then at 0712, some 18 minutes prior to sunrise, a
noise likened to thunder was followed by the mass departure of 5000+
Starlings, initially a
spectacular murmuration was seen before the birds rapidly departed
Thompson Water for the day.
Thompson Water |
With improving light, it became
apparent I was faced with high numbers of Mallard on the water along
with several other duck species. With my clicker counter in hand I
went through the birds on the water and reached a count of 322+
on the water, my highest ever count of this species here. Without
doubt many more Mallard would have been present but out of sight in
reeds, reedbed inlets, and channels.
Other ducks present were 8+
20+ Gadwall,
37+ Teal,
10+ Pochard,
5+ Tufted Duck,
and 2 Goosander,
a scarce winter visitor.
Also on the water was 60+ Coot,
Great Crested and
Little Grebes,
and in the surrounding woodland was Marsh
Tit, Redwing
and Song Thrush.
During a work break on the morning of the 23rd I visited
the wide open and vast expanses of land at Deopham at the site of the
former wartime bomber base. It can appear quite bleak here,
especially so on this visit when there was fast moving cloud,
frequent heavy rain, and poor light due to the cloud cover and
reduced visibility due to the rain, but as I have written before, I
love bleak. I was parked on the former runway which used to have
some fine scrubby cover and Willows, however, in recent years this
was grubbed out by the greedy landowner. This former habitat
provided good shelter within vast arable land for farmland birds as
well as breeding habitat for Warblers, for me, this was tantamount to
criminal behaviour.
The wide open expanses of land holds good numbers of Golden Plover
and winter Thrushes, I have also seen Merlin here on a couple of
occasions, a bird well suited to this bleak landscape.
The visit here today produced little, however, it was just good to be
there. 1 Red Kite was seen in awful conditions over the land
and clearly demonstrated its mastery of the air in such conditions.
A couple of Stock Doves passed by too.
A return to Thompson Water on the 26th saw less Mallard
than the 21st, however, a pleasant surprise came in the
form of a ♀
a very attractive little diving duck. A Marsh
Harrier was briefly