Sunday, 7 July 2013

Kestrels at their nest site

0530 and I was out early again with Toby before it got too warm for him.  The day started comfortable, however, the rising sun soon became very warm which in turn rapidly burnt off any low lying mist in the valleys.
It was while I was walking along Fairstead Lane, Little Cressingham, that I could hear the begging calls of Kestrels, immediately I knew where the calls were coming from and upon checking I found 3 young Kestrels sitting at the entrance to their nest, a large hole in an old Ash tree.
Kestrels at the nest - Little Cressingham 07/07/13
It is evident from the photograph that these delightful young Kestrels still have some growing to do, although the middle bird seems to be the more advanced of the three. The bird on the right still has an under-developed tail whilst the mostly hidden bird on the left retains more down on its head indicating this as being the youngest bird.
The middle Kestrel was the more active bird as it was seen away from the nest-site looking out onto the fields which may become its hunting grounds before too long, making it back to the nest though was a clumsy affair as it entered head-first with tail and wings all over the place before righting itself.
The Kestrel is a relatively common raptor, however, such a find is just as rewarding as finding something more unusal.


  1. Cracking photo Paul; well done you! Back to Spain in the morning via Dover - Dunkirk, etc.

    1. Many thanks Bob for your comment. Have a safe journey back to Spain and love to Jenny.
      Paul and Pam x
