Breckland Birder

Breckland Birder
Red Deer in Breckland, Norfolk Photo by Paul Newport

Friday 5 September 2014

Nightingales on the Hoo Peninsula (North Kent coast, UK)

I am seriously disgusted at how developers have been given approval by council for the Hoo Peninsula for the building of 5000 homes, a project which will ensure the extinction of Nightingales from that area.
I have posted an article and 'facebook' about this and have also written to my local M.P., Elizabeth Truss (Environment Secretary) voicing my disgust at this.  I urge my followers of this blog to please do the same.
My 'facebook' post which forms the bulk of the email to my M.P., reads as follows:

As my local M.P. I ask you to take the opportunity to read the following 'facebook post' regarding plans to build 5000 homes on the Hoo Peninsula, this development which will significantly contribute to the extinction of Nightingales in Britain. My 'post' reads as follows:
DESTRUCTION OF NIGHTINGALE HABITAT ON THE HOO PENINSULA: Nightingales are under significant threat from developers who are aware of this site being the home to this highly sensitive site faithful species......and the council have approved this.
Here in the UK we are on the extreme north-west of the range for Nightingale in Europe. This migrant from Africa does not occur in the north of the country, in fact if you were to draw a line from the Humber to the Severn estuary, this species does not occur north of that line.
The developers in this case have said they will create a new site nearby for Nightingales. How short-sighted and ill-informed these people are. Habitats for this species take decades/centuries to develop, you can't just plant a bush and create a habitat for Nightingales, this species requires deep dark clumps of scrub/woodland habitat, these take as I say, a very long time to develop, by which time, this development company have done their bit to ensure the extinction of this beautiful bird from our shores.
I ask you to like and share this story of mine and show your annoyance at this greed. Once again, the human race thinks it can ride roughshod over other life, life which has very right to survive and thrive alongside us.
I shall be writing to our local MP and the Environment Secretary Elizabeth Truss,voicing my at my disgust at this story, her eail address is:
Please write to Elizabeth Truss MP if you will in order to express your disgust at this...if you are digusted by this of course.
Please share this post.
M.P. Truss, I ask you to step in and voice your concerns about this development and the lack of knowledge the developers have regarding providing a new site for this species.
Paul Newport (Life-long Birder)

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