The evening of 23rd June saw very heavy thunderstorms passing over Watton and surrounding areas resulting in significant amounts of rainwater causing severe flooding. I returned that evening from a day spent at the Polling Station in Thompson (about 3 miles from home) in my role as Polling Clerk for the EU vote. Leaving Thompson at 2215, it became clear that there was only one way in and out of the village due to flooding and fallen trees.
This morning I was up early and drove out of Watton along the B1108, it was evident that severe flooding occurred along the Watton Brook valley. A Little Cressingham villager told me today that she had never seen water levels that high before.
I arrived at Lynford Water just after 0500 to bright conditions, although a veil of mist hung over areas of water, this however was soon burnt off by the increasingly warm sunshine.
My main effort this morning was given to the woodland and underlying scrub along the higher ground to the south of the water, although nice views were had of the lake below.
Pleasingly, several
Song Thrushes were in good voice, in addition, it was good to see evidence of successful breeding with juveniles being seen. A
Blackbird was seen at the very top of a tall conifer where he was singing.
The woodland was particularly good for Warbler species with 3 singing
Garden Warblers,
Chiffchaff, 3 singing
Willow Warblers, and
Whitethroats at two sites, one a family party, and a singing male in a recent area of clear-fell.
Warbler habitat at Lynford Water 25/06/16. Here, Garden Warbler, Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, Blackcap, and Whitethroat were all seen and heard. A Garden Warbler and Willow Warbler were singing close together in the tall Birch pictured here. |
Also present was
Yellowhammer and a pair of
Linnets, whilst down by the waters edge,
Reed Bunting was heard and seen. About 10
Swifts were flying over the water.
Finally, on the water was a pair of
Mute Swans and about 30
Greylag Geese.
Early afternoon I visited a Private site at Watton, a location which I have been given permission to visit. The following was seen/heard:
2 Buzzards
1 Sparrowhawk
1 Kestrel
Mute Swan (pair and 5 young)
4 Little Grebes (2 adult and 2 young)
3 Stock Doves (pair + singing bird)
1 Reed Warbler
1 Willow Warbler
1 Whitethroat
1 Lesser Whitethroat
Great Tit (adults and juveniles)
I arrived home mid-afternoon with skies beginning to blacken again. By later afternoon a prolonged and heavy thunderstorm brought some flooding to the back garden, but not thankfully, the repeat of the 23rd when the garden resembled a large pond.