Thompson Water lies about 4 miles south of Watton within the
Breckland area of
Norfolk. The
Way long distance footpath passes between the
southern boundary of the water and the large army training area known as STANTA
(Stanford Training Area).
This beautiful
mere which is now managed by the Norfolk Wildlife Trust, was excavated along
the route of a tributary of the River Wissey in 1847.
Thompson Water is a large body of water which is for the
most part encircled by reed-beds and dense, scrubby, Willow habitat, this in
turn is entirely surrounded by mature woodland carr comprising mostly of Oak
and Birch with an under-storey of some very fine Holly specimens.
The following is an insight into the birdlife which can be
expected to be seen at Thompson Water along with some of my rare and scarce
species seen.
Thompson Water 1st January 2013 |
Despite being only 4 miles from Watton, Thompson Water can
have a very desolate feel to it in winter with the only evidence of human
activity being the sudden sound of gunfire from nearby STANTA.
Winter Duck species can appear in their hundreds on Thompson
Water in winter, however, on other occasions there may be little evidence of
life on the water, this is probably due to birds relocating to a nearby mere
within inaccessible STANTA following disturbance.
Teal have been
present on Thompson Water in three-figure counts, also good numbers of
Tufted Duck,
Gadwall, and
Shoveler have
been seen.
Scarcer species which visit
during cold weather includes
Smew, and
Swans are occasionally joined by small numbers of
Bewick’s and
Whooper Swans.
Most winters sees Thompson Water hosting a
Bittern, this Heron species is usually
seen flying from the cover of
a dense
patch of reeds to another, however, during icy weather, the bird may be seen
breaking cover of the reeds to walk on the ice.
Water Rails also visit in
winter, this highly secretive species may be glimpsed working its way through
the cover of reeds although it is more likely that the squealing pig-like call
is heard.
I suspect that Water Rail has
bred at this locality.
Providing the water is not frozen, a
Kingfisher adds colour to the dullest of days as it flashes by
between perches.
On cold days, the distinctive loud song of
Cetti’s Warbler can be heard breaking
the silence.
The first pioneer Cetti’s
Warbler arrived at Thompson Water in March 2007, I always suspected this bird,
which initially arrived in the
Norfolk in 1974, would
eventually arrive at Thompson.
Raptor species are well represented at Thompson Water.
Buzzards are a daily occurrence, as our
A scarcer visitor is
Goshawk, this powerful raptor has been seen chasing Crows and
Pigeons over the water, or just gliding majestically from one side of the water
to the other.
Peregrine Falcon is seen occasionally at Thompson Water, my most
recent bird occurred on
January 2013.
The winter woodland around Thompson Water holds species
typically associated with damp, deciduous woodland habitat. Tit species include
the noisy
Marsh Tit,
Blue, and
Coal Tits, and
rarely, a buzzing call announces that
Tit is present.
Treecreepers, and all three
Woodpecker species occur.
Mixed flocks of
Redpolls sometimes number in
their hundreds and may be found feeding in either Silver Birch or Alders.
Another winter visitor which occurs quite commonly is the
Brambling, this beautiful Finch often
passes overhead and announces itself with its nasally “
zweeup” call.
A Breckland speciality is the
Crossbill, this species is encountered quite frequently and
following irruptions from the continent, some flocks are quite large.
Hawfinch is a
very elusive species which can be a challenge for any birder due to its very
flighty nature. I have yet to see Hawfinch at Thompson Water, however, I have
seen this enormous Finch close by along the
friend of mine saw a single Hawfinch over-fly the water in summer 2012.
I have found rare and uncommon species at Thompson Water, on
one such occasion,
February 24th
1996, whilst overlooking the water, a
Black-throated Diver arrived on the water from the south.
I noticed that this bird was slightly oiled
and on
February 27th 1996,
this bird was very sadly found dead.
This record coincided with a number of other Black-throated Divers
around the
which were found to be oiled, clearly, a testament to mans’ lack of respect for
the environment.
Another uncommon visitor to Thompson Water, and indeed my
only record to date, was of a pair of
Tits (December 1993) which were seen in the reeds and giving their
distinctive ‘pinging’ call.
Goosander - a winter visitor to Thompson Water
I will start of my spring summary by writing about the
rarest bird that I personally have found.
March 31st 1999,
whilst walking to Thompson Water, I heard a very strange call unlike anything I
had ever heard before.
Once at the water
I saw a strange bird, which resembled an oversized Little Grebe, close to the
reeds on the opposite bank, looking at it through my binoculars I was in a
state of disbelief because I was looking at a
This is
an American Grebe species and this bird constitutes the second record for
the first occurred near Welney 9
th to the 12th November 1968. This Pied-billed Grebe remained at Thompson
Water until 11th May. I was
able to call my good friend Micky Stainthorpe and his son Matthew who also
enjoyed this potentially once in a lifetime bird for Norfolk.
Early Spring can still have a feel of winter to it, however,
Great Crested Grebes arrive back at
Thompson Water and have acquired their beautiful headdresses for the
forthcoming breeding season.
The woodland around the water becomes alive with the sound
of common bird song and ‘drumming’ Woodpeckers, including
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, are heard, then, by mid-March, the first
returning summer migrants are heard, these are generally
Chiffchaff which are closely followed by
Blackcap and
Willow Warbler.
As the days begin to lengthen, further returning migrants
are either heard or seen, these include the first
Sand Martins and
which are seen hawking for insects over the water or skillfully taking a drink
from the waters surface.
The reed-beds around the water also attract migrants which
come to breed; the commonest of these are
Sedge Warblers, the latter
generally arriving late March or early April.
As April gathers pace, later arrivals include
Garden Warbler.
This relatively common Warbler is sure to
test the novice birder with its song as it has some comparison to the commoner
Blackcap, once the distinctive
characteristics of the songs are learnt the differences are quite noticeable.
Thompson Water is also a good site for raptor watching.
Common Resident species include
Sparrowhawk, and
Kestrel, these are joined by passage
Osprey in Spring which may to stay for
a couple of days whilst heading north to breed.
Marsh Harrier also passes through on migration in April and on one
occasion (Spring 1993), I saw the much rarer
Montagu’s Harrier pass through on a particularly warm evening.
Cuckoos are
present in good numbers in the area with 2 or 3 calling birds being heard from
the water and often a calling male will be seen in the tops of one of the trees
at this site.
Clearly, a number of host
species have the potential for being parasitised by Cuckoo.
Close to Thompson Water, a number of Breckland specialities
can be heard, these include calling
Common Curlew, and
Woodlark. The latter species
occasionally passes over Thompson Water whilst performing its beautiful
song-flight. During the hours of darkness, the enigmatic
Woodcock performs its strange ‘roding’ display flight whilst in
Tawny Owls call as does the
much scarcer
Long-eared Owl.
For me the raptor highlight at Thompson Water occurs in
April when
Hobby arrives.
This spectacular Falcon breeds in the area,
however, I have seen double figures on warm evenings gathering over the water
to feed upon insect prey which are snatched mid-air and eaten on the wing.
Hobbies also hunt Swallows, Martins, and Swifts, and it is a marvel watching
this most agile Falcon twist and turn in the sky whilst in pursuit of its prey.
I have even seen Hobby take insects from
plants on the waters surface.
Garden Warbler May 2012 Thompson Water
Mid to late summer sees wader passage at Thompson Water, the
most reliable species to be seen will be over-flying and calling
Greenshank and
Green Sandpiper.
Common Sandpipers can be seen resting
on one of the many fishing platforms.
Most species are busily feeding young at this time of year
and attention often turns to insect species, if you can stand the myriads of
biting Mosquito’s.
Warm summer evenings
Hobbies over the water
which will hunt Dragonflies and other winged insects, their skill at chasing,
turning with supreme agility, and dismembering insects, is breathtaking.
Sand Martins,
House Martins, and
all visit Thompson Water in order to feed and gather insects for their young.
All of these species are potential prey for the Hobby.
Later in summer, adult
Hobbies are joined by their young; the younger birds sit, watch,
learn, and then hone hunting skills from their parents.
Another Breckland speciality is the
Nightjar; this is another enigmatic species whose strange
‘churring’ song can be heard from a heath close to Thompson Water.
Warbler species
can be seen flying to and from their nest-sites feeding their young, and having
fledged, not only can their plumages provide a challenge to the novice birder
(and me sometimes), their wide variety of squeaks, whistles, and chirps, can all
be very testing at times.
Many of our summer migrants would have departed with the
onset of autumn, however, some later Warbler species hang on feeding up on a
variety of fruits in order to build their fat reserves for the long journey
ahead of them.
This time of year also
witnesses passage species dropping into Thompson Water as well the first winter
visitor arrivals.
It is a very testing
time seeing large numbers of birds, different age groups, summer visitors
hanging on, and winter visitors arriving, this mix can provide a real
challenge, but that is the beauty of birding.
The sheer varieties of common species are undoubtedly joined by
something rarer.
As with spring migration, an
Osprey may visit Thompson Water to feed and build energy reserves
for their migration to
Early autumn continues to witness
Hobbies at Thompson Water; their young
are becoming superb aerial hunters just like their parents.
Winter Thrushes arrive in October including large numbers of
Redwings, and
Along with these a variety of Finches join the mix including
Some unusual species also drop in or pass over Thompson
Water in autumn.
Picture the scene: A
very good friend and birder, Gary Nutbourne called me at home on
24th October 1993 to say
he saw an unusual Diver species on Thompson Water. I met
shortly afterwards at Thompson Water but could not locate a Diver species,
however, I was watching a
Sparrowhawk soaring
above the wood when a strange Crow came into view, raising my binoculars I
exclaimed "it’s a ******* Hoodie".
was a
Hooded Crow, a rare bird in
With autumn descending into winter, attention turns to the
water for good numbers of Duck species, as well as something a bit more unusual
such as
Goldeneye, but also, the
woodland, where mixed flocks of
species along with
Goldcrests, and perhaps a wintering
Chiffchaff or
Blackcap move through in search of food..
Despite the odd gloomy, dull day, a
Cetti’s Warbler continues to give a burst of its explosive song and
thoughts of next spring maintains focus on this very beautiful site.